paths - определение. Что такое paths
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Что (кто) такое paths - определение

PATH; Paths; Path (disambiguation); PATH (disambiguation)

·pl of Path.
·vi To walk or go.
II. Path ·noun A trodden way; a footway.
III. Path ·vt To make a path in, or on (something), or for (some one).
IV. Path ·noun A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has moved; route; passage; an established way; as, the path of a meteor, of a caravan, of a storm, of a pestilence. Also used figuratively, of a course of life or action.
¦ noun (plural paths)
1. a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading.
2. the direction in which a person or thing moves.
3. a course of action or conduct.
pathless adjective
OE p?th, of W. Gmc origin.



A path is a route for physical travel – see Trail.

Path or PATH may also refer to:

Примеры произношения для paths
1. paths.
Palaces for the People _ Eric Klinenberg _ Talks at Google
2. they have raised to paths, tactile paths
Designing Accessible Technology _ Haben Girma _ Talks at Google
3. paths, right?
Becoming Super Woman _ Nicole Lapin _ Talks at Google
4. both paths.
Through Two Doors at Once _ Anil Ananthaswamy _ Talks at Google
5. cross paths.
For Single Mothers Working as Train Conductors _ Laura Wolfson _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для paths
1. "Because they are flat, tow paths make excellent cycle paths," a spokeswoman said.
2. Corriere della Sera said that the Prodi project combined the paths of power and the paths of the spirit.
3. Ideologically, however, they tread different paths.
4. They are now allowing people to use the paths to the hut "with our permission", on the proviso that the paths can be shut at any time.
5. We are, carelessly and unwittingly, meandering down both paths.